How FinTech can enhance patient care by automating your back office

Today our guest is Jonathan Chen, a repeat founder and tech leader with an established record of successful growth and exits. Jonathan is the Founder & CEO Nitra, Inc. (
Note: Not a Sponsored Podcast.

Bio Info


Jonathan is a repeat founder and tech leader with an established record of successful growth and exits. Prior to Nitra, Jonathan co-founded FiscalNote and served most recently as its Chief Technology Officer. Previously, Jonathan was the co-founder of Pathover, a B2B API-based intelligent routing and logistics solution. Earlier in his career, Jonathan founded and exited several other fast-growth software companies, including a dating app that within one week of launching had 15,000 users and within two weeks had sold to a much larger competitor.

Topics Covered In Our Discussion

- How AI and ML is helping medical clinics and physicians manage their finances
- Price Transparency in Healthcare and how Fintech can help
- The technology healthcare practitioners need to boost positive reviews and overall revenue
- The tools doctors should leverage to better manage their practice so they can focus on patients
- How to build a marketing program that goes beyond referral
- How FinTech can enhance patient care by automating your back office
- Saving money by doing things yourself: A false economy that leads to unforeseen problems
- How private practitioners can free up time and money to grow their business

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