10 Operational & Market Update Questions With Jim Eischen, Esq.

Recorded November 2020

Resources Mentioned



Mr. Eischen was previously the head of a healthcare regulatory transaction group at a respected national law firm’s Irvine office, and prior to that, a member of the corporate, healthcare and real estate departments of a prominent San Diego law firm. In 2018 Mr. Eischen re-wrote the California Medical Association (CMA) physician legal desk book chapter on private direct medicine compliance and was asked to speak at a CMA conference for general counsel of various US state medical boards/societies on private medicine compliance.

In February 2019 Mr. Eischen resumed his high-end boutique business planning law practice in San Diego to achieve the flexibility that self-employment affords. In April of 2019 Mr. Eischen then launched an online learning platform (www.loftylearning.com) with the intent of creating a new learning channel that more broadly supports his interests in creative health/wellness solutions. The platform currently curates a webinar library of Mr. Eischen’s presentations and thought-leader interviews relating to US private direct medicine compliance education.

Mr. Eischen remains active in promoting mental and emotional health with webinars and live presentations aimed at helping to avoid or better manage professional burnout, and continues to tirelessly support US healthcare and wellness innovations.

Having grown up and lived in San Diego for nearly all of his life, Mr. Eischen is actively involved in the local community. He is the founding attorney coach and continues to coach for the Academy of Our Lady of Peace (OLP) high school mock trial team. He is a volunteer assistant coach for the OLP and St. Augustine high school surf team. As a professional and volunteer musician in the San Diego area for many years, he currently enjoys playing bass guitar for an original San Clemente based alt-indie rock band “Home is West” with an album released April 2019. Mr. Eischen remains an avid surfer, stand-up paddler, boater, and bicycle enthusiast.

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